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September 2023

The 66th Jubilee Year Design

Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Accrediting Commission for Schools Logo

St. Thomas Aquinas Roccasecca, Italy – (1225 – 1274) St. Thomas is one of the most important theologians in Church history. His writings on philosophy, theology, and the law still influence us today. His most famous work is the Summa Theologiae which is a summary of all the major teachings in the Catholic Church.

66th Jubilee Year Theme and Design

Dominican International School is currently celebrating its 66th Jubilee year. Dominican International School was founded in 1957. DIS Taipei is a Catholic, private, English medium school owned and governed by the Dominican Sisters. It was formerly a US Government contract (D.O.D.) school for the military dependents of the United States Forces in Taipei. The Sisters are members of the Institute of the Religious Missionaries of St. Dominic, a congregation of Spanish origin with a motherhouse in Rome, Italy.

The annual creation of the theme and design is a tradition in DIS Taipei to express the ideals of the stakeholders and serve as motivation in commemorating its Jubilee year.

This year’s theme “All Together 6iving 6lory to the Almighty” is in line with the double jubilee celebration of the Order of Preachers to commemorate the 7th Centenary of the canonization of our esteemed brother St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, on 18 July 2023 and his 750th death anniversary on 7 March 2023. The double jubilee celebration will be from 28 January 2023 to 28 January 2025.

As a Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas remains an excellent model and teacher for us today. As he mentioned in his book Summa Theologiae, "Grace does not diminish nature but brings it to fulfillment, while nature is subordinate to grace, a reason to faith and human love to divine charity". He spent his life meditating on the mystery of God. After writing on the Eucharist, St. Thomas entered into a great ecstasy. He then heard a voice from the crucifix on the altar say: “Thou hast written well of me, Thomas; what reward wilt thou have?” St. Thomas’ reply was: “Non nisi Te, Domine. Non nisi te. (Nothing but you, Lord. Nothing but you).” In the end, none of the goods of this life can bring us our ultimate fulfillment. It is the Almighty God who we long for. It is God who made us for happiness. God is our ultimate reward. We give glory to God for He is worthy of all the honor and praise.

This year’s design was created by Mr. Erick Gonzales of the Campus Ministry Department. It was approved by Directress/Principal Sr. Jacqueline C. Manuel, OP.

Important parts and their meaning

  1. “All Together 6iving 6lory to the Almighty” – this year’s theme means the whole community honors God, all together wholeheartedly. The Almighty is worthy of all the glory, honor, and praise due to His name.
  2. Blue (background color) – represents inspiration and wisdom associated with the goal of DIS Taipei in having academic excellence.
  3. Green (background color) - represents nature and positive things related to the overall well-being of the community.
  4. Gold (background color) - represents generosity and compassion, traits of a true Dominican.
  5. The school facade with Little St. Dominic – reminds us that DIS Taipei is the school where we belong.
  6. The stakeholder picture – The whole community of DIS Taipei carrying D'TORCH as ONE!
  7. 23-24 - the current school.
  8. 66th (6-6) – the Jubilee year that DIS Taipei is celebrating. It marks the second FULL 6-year accreditation of DIS, attained from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges – Accrediting Commission for Schools (WASC – ACS) from the school year 2023 to 2029.
  9. The Wave-like design – waves remind us the essential life lessons and offer wisdom from nature. We can develop resilience, adaptability, and find harmony within the dynamic currents of life.

66th Jubilee Year Video